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Happy June Everyone!

There is the sweet energy of optimism in the air, and our Library looks forward to sunnier days ahead with you all. We are thrilled to announce that the Gibsons & District Public Library has eliminated overdue fines as of June 1, 2021. YAY!

Why are we eliminating late fines? Library access is our main objective: we don’t want financial status to impact use of the Library. Daily late fines, while intended to incentivize the return of library material, unintentionally create a barrier for patrons to access critical library services. These barriers disproportionately impact families with young children, low-income households, and those in our community who need us the most. Research shows that fine-free libraries often have increased return rates and higher circulation. Please note that there will still be fees for damaged or lost items. Please see the details of this service change here.

If you are in a position to pay fines, we encourage you to consider making a donation to the library. You can donate directly in person using cash, credit or debit; mail a cheque or make an online donation via Canadahelps. Hope to see you at the Library!